To retrieve account reserve: Usually 10 XRP is reserved while activating XRP ledger account. This 10 XRP will be used for paying transaction fees. The transaction fee for deleting an XRP account is 2 XRP and the remaining reserve balance will be transferred to an alternate XRP a/c of your choice.
1. Since "delete transaction" has 2 XRP fee, your account reserve should atleast be greater than 2 XRP.
2. There should not be any pending checks, escrows and trustline.
3. Your account shouldn't be new. It shoud atleast be couple of days old.
4. You must have the secret/private key for the XRP account you want to delete.
Risk: 2 XRP transaction fee is deducted even if the transaction fails.
1. Import your XRP account, which you want to delete, into XUMM app.
2. Have the alternate XRP address ready.
3. If the alternate XRP address is present on an exchange, make sure to also have destination tags for your account handy.
4. If you want to withdraw to exchange a/c and if you forget to input destination tag, then you loose your funds.
5. If you're withdrawing to a non-custodial wallet which doesn't have destination tag, then input 1 as destination tag.
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